Planet Earth was once truly the planet of the apes…


Thirty million years ago a new group of creatures appeared on planet Earth: the great apes. From their ranks arose one family, gifted with exceptional skills: our protagonists. This family would change the face of our world forever.

Moving upright in the trees, they were then lords of the canopy, reigning supreme over limitless forests stretching from Europe to Asia.

They founded a new social way of life. They created a language. They invented education as a way of passing on knowledge to their children.

Year: 2017
length: 90′

Co-produced by Winds
Broadcast by M6, ZDF, CCTV9, SVT, NRK, Curiosity Stream

Directed by Jérôme Guiot & Frédéric Fougea
Produced by Patricia Boutinard Rouelle (Nilaya) & Frédéric Fougea (Boréales)