Who can say where Touva is? The answer? At the other end of the world – lost among the valleys where Genghis Khan grew up. Yet it is here, in Russia’s smallest republic, that Svetlana lives. She is a woman who leads a most unusual life, far from anyone or anything, in a remarkable struggle for survival.
Alone in a landscape of sublime yet hostile beauty, she looks after a herd of some hundred reindeer. A sacred animal, once the symbol of Touva, the reindeer has escaped enclosure and returned to the wild state. Svetlana has decided to bring her ancestors’ reindeer traditions back to life and she holds the future of her region in her hands. For she knows that reindeers are currently her country’s only riches, its only hope…
Through the daily account of Svetlana’s life is reflected the quest of a country and its people to survive.
Genre: Documentaire
Length: 52′
Directed by Hugues Espinasse
Broadcast by France 2
Produced by Barthélémy Fougea